DAME is an acronym for Database Access Made Easy. DAME consists of a set of tools and libraries to remove the dredgery of manually writing database access code. DAME is developed in C++ on Linux(TM) using Antlr parser generator. The code should be portable to any platform with a standards-compliant C++ compiler. DAME can be used to generate classes in Java and C++. The generated Java code makes use of JDBC, so virtually any database can be accessed. C++ class libraries for accessing Oracle(TM), Postgresql and MySQL are provided.
A set of examples are available with the source release. You can read the
You can view the CVS repository online. The new releases of the software will be announced on dame-announce mailing list. You can subscriber to dame-users mailing list to post your queries and hopefully, find some answers. Go to DAME mailing list page to subscribe to either one of these lists.
DAME in its previous incarnation was called SQLparser and was a closed source project. This tool helped our organization in reducing LOC of database access by almost 1/10th and was very useful. DAME was being kept in public domain hoping that the programming community at large can benifit by it.